Thursday, April 21, 2011

Short story

My story is a revenge story taking a long time ago. Fictional. This guy who has yet to be named is trying to be the master of Strength, Speed, intelligence and kindness. He excels at all these categories... except kindness. At the beginning of the story, you think he's the good guy, but he turns out to be corrupt. He's the bad guy (TWIST!). So yeah. He starts killing the masters who taught him how to be a master. He succeeds killing them all, except the master of kindness, who seals all her power into this kid who is not yet to be named. He takes her power and fights the evil guy, but there evenly matched. So the good guy seals them together in a orb of some sort.

The story is being told by an old man in his tribe, talking about his ancestors, and how to always keep that orb safe. (It's still there so yeah) Because the orb holds soo much power and stuff, there are wars over it. So the story starts to loop back around to the beginning.

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