Spring Break Extra Credit

All of the extra credit projects below are due on or before 4/18
If you want to propose an alternative project, please email me at vmason@ausdk12.org


Artistic (15 points possible)

1.      Make a diorama depicting a scene in any book or short story we’ve read this year.
2.      Retell a chapter of Lord of the Flies in comic book form or retell either “Refresh, Refresh” or “The Lottery” in comic book/strip form. 

Literary (10 points)
1.     Write an obituary for a character who died in LOTF, “The Lottery,” or “Refresh, Refresh.” Be detailed and adhere to the conventions of the obituary form.
2.     Write a detailed, page-long diary entry for any character in the aforementioned texts.
3.     Rewrite the ending of any of the aforementioned texts. Be detailed and adhere to the style of the original author.

     Memento (15 – 30 points)

1.    Write a page-long analysis of any of the themes listed on the discussion question list I gave you on Monday (15 points)
2.    Write an essay in which you argue that Leonard has a tragic flaw in the traditional sense, OR write an essay in which you argue that Leonard is a noir protagonist. Both of these will require research and outside reading. See me for help if you are willing to take on this project or view the related Mementoresources pages on the sidebar. (30 points)
3.     Write an essay in which you compare the plot structure ofMemento to that of another non-linear film or text, being sure to discuss how the plot structure is more than a gimmick, but a literary device that adds meaning to the text. View the non-linear texts/alternative plot structures resources page on the sidebar for ideas. (30 points)