Thursday, April 14, 2011

Plot summary by Hannah Long

In the beginning of the story the main character, 16 year old Maya, is chatting with her one of her really close friends on facebook. They are chatting and they're saying their most embarrassing moments. Maya gets up to get a glass of water, and soon gets sidetracked. While she's doing all that, her sister pastes the chat onto her status. When she gets back a bunch of people have already commented on the post. She is totally freaking out ,but it's just the morning and tells herself how bad can my day get. Yesterday she had planned to go to the pool with her friends and keeps with that plan. She just keeps having really bad things happen to her and embarrasses herself in front of her crush. As she and her friend are talking by the pool she notices a little girl drowning, and but no one tries to help the girl. Maya saves the girl, and the parents thank her by giving her a rose. They tell her that it is for times in her past that she wants to change. They also mention that she is able to undo all the wish and it's consequences, but she has to pluck off the other half of petals. She doesn't know what to think, but pulls off the petals, and wishes that she could redo today. She keeps her sister from doing anything to her facebook but instead of then just going to the pool her parents ask her to drop her sister off at her friends house and then mail letters. Nothing bad happens but when she arrives at the pool the paramedics are already removing her dead body from the pool. She realizes the consequences of her wish. She plucks off the remaining petals undoing her wish, but things don't turn out bad, the bad things that had happened that day are resolved. She has just wasted her wish but realizes that things happen for a reason and it's better not to change the past.


  1. uhhh Ms. Mason if you see this, for some reason I can't post a blog on here. So it's not my fault..I really wanted to do it, but i dont know, maybe you didn't invite me or something but i can't post anything. thank you. bye :)

  2. whoops, never mind. scratch all of that.

  3. Glad you figured it out. :-)

    In response to Hannah's post --

    There are two things I really like about this story. 1.) That it is a modern twist on a classic theme, that of undoing the past/the question of destiny (free will vs. determinism) and a sort of "bargain with the devil" thing as well. The other thing that I really appreciate is that your character learns something. She learns (it seems) that her teenage humiliations are nothing in the great scheme of things and she has to make a sacrifice to learn this. In a funny way, this story reminds me of the old classic "The Monkey's Paw," though this one does not end tragically. Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading the full story. Good work!

    --Ms. Mason

  4. Nice plot, Hannah! Sounds really interesting and I look forward to reading the rest :)

  5. This sounds like a great idea for a plot. I like the integration of Facebook in your story. I think this is going to be a good story.

  6. I really like how the flower meant something more and how she was held responsable. Great plot!

  7. I like the symbolism you use with the rose. I also like the interesting twist that you add power to the flower. It's slightly out of the ordinary, which makes it interesting and captivating.
