Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Aranz- Short Story

Exposition: Takes place in the swamps of Alabama, where Buba and Junior are 2 high school students with a passion for fishing. Buba lives on a farm with a pond that contains all types of fish that the two friends fish on all the time. The families are very close friends so the friends are together most every day.
Inciting incident: Well one day the two are fishing and Buba hooks a catfish, a common occurance, however this fish is something different. It is 10 times bigger than any fish they have ever layed their eyes on. As the two fight the fish, it frees itself at shore. The two are petrified by what just happened.
Rising Action:They alert everyone of what had happened and that they are devoted to catching this fish. They enlist the help of several other friends, also fishermen, to help them catch this fish. They call up biologists and fishing experts asking for opinions of what to do and techniques to use. They essentially drop out of school trying to catch this one fish.
Climax:After 2 months of devoting their lives to this fish, and after catching hundreds of other fish, the boys begin to wonder whether or not to continue to pursue this fish. It is a very rainy day and they are very reluctant to fish. After an argument, Buba and Junior decide to go out without the others. they begin the mile long walk to the lake in the rain. When they arrive they begin fishing until all of sudden Buba's rod gets bit. He runs to his rod thinking it is just another fish. However once he begins to fight it he knows immediately it is the fish. Buba and Junior are ecstatic that they hooked this fish, then out of no where, the rest of the team shows up to help.
Falling action: they land the fish and show it off to everyone before releasing it back to the water. They win several awards and get their pictures in all the papers. They set the state record for biggest catfish.
Resolution:A few days later, they boys are back at the lake on a hot day drinking lemonade having a meaningful talk about their futures. They talk about starting a company that designs and builds ponds for people. They have learned over the past few months so much about fish and their environment and behavior that they want nothing else but to make a carrier from it. The boys start "big un" pond builders and drop out of high school.
Denounement: The boys business grows and grows because of the quality work that they do. They continue to fish with one another but to this day have not caught a fish as meaningful as the fish that brought them all together.

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