Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kayla Maslonkowski-Short Story

Exposition: Rosie is a 21 year old model, the lights shining, cameras flashing all around. Her dream being fulfilled in New York City. Perfection. Her hair is full of perfect blonde curls and her eyes gray. She grew up in a broken family always trying to get away and protect herself.

Inciting Incident: A gunshot is triggered, Rosie has no clue where it came from but she is told to duck and run to the nearest exit. Always having to follow the rules, she does what she is told. She runs out the front door of the modeling agency and sees her agent. He tells her to get in a car and follow directions. She has no clue where she is going.

Rising Action: The car is driving fast and glass is breaking all around her but Rosie feels disoriented. In a haze. She notices a guy sitting next to her. Curly brown hair and sea-green eyes. She then gets a text from her agent. Six words but all very clear to Rosie. Somebody is trying to kill you. Rosie asks the man next to her who he is and he says that he is her new body guard. Meant to protect her at any costs and that they are going to a private safe house in the remote jungles of the amazon rainforest. Rosie doesn't understand why somebody would be after her. She was nothing in her mind. She had no more family, and modeling was her escape along with drinking her nights away. The only person she could think of that would want her dead would be her cruel uncle, the one who wouldnt take her in for adoption after her father killed her mother 5 years ago. He must want her dead because then he could access the trust fund that had been left for her all these years. Her only way of gaining access to it would be when she turned 25. After-all her uncle is a powerful man, a millionaire so to speak, but always wanting more. Everything is about money anyways, or thats how its been her whole life

Climax: Rosie and her body guard, who she learns is named Emmett catch a jet and are off to the safe house so Rosie can be protected. Along the trip to the Amazon Rosie and Emmett get to know eachother, however Rosie has trust issues and will not look Emmett in the eyes. Those sea-green eyes shining. Rosie is instantly taken with his personality and looks into his eyes once for a sneak peek of what she could be getting herself into. Forbidden love. A body guard and a model needing protection. Emmett feels it too. When they finally land in the amazon it is time to get going. Her uncle is already on her track and he has more men with him.

Falling Action: Running through the forest at full speed with Emmett at her side. Gunshots everywhere men appoaching from all sides. Rosie can't help but look at Emmetts eyes. The eyes in which made her fall in love with a man that she can never be with. Emmett suddently jumps off a cliff and Rosie hears a splash and follows him into the cold water shooting off a waterfall. They take shelter in a cave but suddenly hes there. The man Rosie never wanted to see again. Rosie grabs a handgun and shoots. However at the precise same second she is shot herself.

Resolution: The flourescent lights and pale white walls of a hospital are all around her. Her leg is throbbing and she sees a shadow in the corner. It stands and comes out from the darkness and the first thing that catches her eyes is his eyes. She suddenly knows that they are meant to be and forbidden love is the way to go.

Denoument: Rosies uncle had been killed that day, and Rosie rushed off to a hospital. Rosie and Emmett are inseperable after that and there life continues on with her always having protection at her side.


  1. Emmett the hot body guard? Heheheehehehe i get you haha. I like it, but could not help noticing Rosie (ROSALIE) and Emmmett. TWILIGHT MUCH?

  2. This is a really cool plot. It flows really well, too. I look forward to reading it!
