Thursday, April 21, 2011

Andrea S-Short Story Proposal

Exposition: Tamara Allison Jensen (Ali for short) felt like she has grown up feeling lost ever since her mother's death in a car accident 3 years ago. Now 16 living with her father and aunt in a large city (yet to be named), she feels disconnected from the closest relatives she has. Her dad frequently travels around the world for business, often leaving Alice alone with her aunt whom she barely knows and stretching the fragile relationship with his daughter.

Inciting incident: As the school year ends, Ali ponders on what to do, as she is often left alone and has few friends. Determined to keep his daughter happy, Ali's father sends her to spend her summer at her grandparents' manor on the Isle of Wight in England. Ali hesitantly agrees for a few reasons. One, Ali has only met her grandparents (from her mother's side of the family) a few times before-all before her mother's car accident and she wishes this trip will bring them closer. Second, Ali hopes that this trip will mean a new, fresh start in her life as well as provide her with some answers she's been looking for in herself. Feeling open, she boards a plane for England.

Rising Action: Upon arrival, she is greeted by her grandparents, but after meeting them, Ali felt that they were somewhat distant, not possibly as open as she thought they would. After she is taken to the manor, she meets her cousin (no name yet), about her age. She is told that she is adopted, but Ali isn't so sure. She asks her grandparents or anybody in the household some of her questions, about the manor, her mother (and etc). Everybody seemed reluctant to answer some of them, and Ali determined they were holding back a secret. Out of patience, she explores the manor and comes across a bolted wooden door. She asks her cousin what the door led to and her cousin replied that it was a stairway leading to the attic, but it was forbidden to go. Ali asks why, but her cousin didn't know. She asks her grandfather what was up there, but all he replied was old antiques. Ali concludes that something was up there, something she needed to find and possibly explain why some of her questions are not answered. Driven by curiosity and anger, she formulates a plan to sneak up.

Climax: Ali confides in on her plan with her cousin. Reluctantly, she agrees, also determined to find out more about her family's past and some answers as to why everybody has been keeping secrets in the household. Together, they create a diversion and steal the key from their grandfather's study. While their grandparents are away on their yacht ride, they take the key, open the door, and make their way up the stairs into the attic. As they enter, Ali is slightly disappointed that it was indeed, filled with antiques. After rummaging through some old trunks, she finds an intriguing small journal and a worn, leather bound album.

Falling Action: After leafing though the diary, she found entries made by a girl a few decades earlier. As she opens her album, a locket falls out. Opening it, Ali determines the girl in the photo is her mother (because of resemblance in eyes). The photos in the album contained pictures of the family she hasn't known, but Ali's curiosity increases when she sees a photo of three girls (all relatives, but this is part of the family secret). She thinks that one of them is her mother and another is possibly related to her cousin (no name yet), but isn't sure about the third.

Resolution: Ali shows the album to her grandfather. Instead of getting mad, he finally admits the truth to Allison and her cousin, that the girls in the photos were Ali's mom, one of Ali's cousin's aunts, and Ali's aunt, taken the time during one family reunion many years ago. Ali's grandfather then opened part of his heart and told them stories of their time at the manor, when they would race down to the beach or go rafting among the currents. The time before they were all separated.

Denouement: Ali feels like a missing puzzle piece of her life has been found, as she learns more about her mother than she has forgotten. She finally feels like she belongs somewhere. Finally consent with her life, she makes the best of her stay at the manor for the rest of the summer, feeling happiness and love flood into her for what felt like the first in a very, long time.

Short story

My story is a revenge story taking a long time ago. Fictional. This guy who has yet to be named is trying to be the master of Strength, Speed, intelligence and kindness. He excels at all these categories... except kindness. At the beginning of the story, you think he's the good guy, but he turns out to be corrupt. He's the bad guy (TWIST!). So yeah. He starts killing the masters who taught him how to be a master. He succeeds killing them all, except the master of kindness, who seals all her power into this kid who is not yet to be named. He takes her power and fights the evil guy, but there evenly matched. So the good guy seals them together in a orb of some sort.

The story is being told by an old man in his tribe, talking about his ancestors, and how to always keep that orb safe. (It's still there so yeah) Because the orb holds soo much power and stuff, there are wars over it. So the story starts to loop back around to the beginning.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Aranz- Short Story

Exposition: Takes place in the swamps of Alabama, where Buba and Junior are 2 high school students with a passion for fishing. Buba lives on a farm with a pond that contains all types of fish that the two friends fish on all the time. The families are very close friends so the friends are together most every day.
Inciting incident: Well one day the two are fishing and Buba hooks a catfish, a common occurance, however this fish is something different. It is 10 times bigger than any fish they have ever layed their eyes on. As the two fight the fish, it frees itself at shore. The two are petrified by what just happened.
Rising Action:They alert everyone of what had happened and that they are devoted to catching this fish. They enlist the help of several other friends, also fishermen, to help them catch this fish. They call up biologists and fishing experts asking for opinions of what to do and techniques to use. They essentially drop out of school trying to catch this one fish.
Climax:After 2 months of devoting their lives to this fish, and after catching hundreds of other fish, the boys begin to wonder whether or not to continue to pursue this fish. It is a very rainy day and they are very reluctant to fish. After an argument, Buba and Junior decide to go out without the others. they begin the mile long walk to the lake in the rain. When they arrive they begin fishing until all of sudden Buba's rod gets bit. He runs to his rod thinking it is just another fish. However once he begins to fight it he knows immediately it is the fish. Buba and Junior are ecstatic that they hooked this fish, then out of no where, the rest of the team shows up to help.
Falling action: they land the fish and show it off to everyone before releasing it back to the water. They win several awards and get their pictures in all the papers. They set the state record for biggest catfish.
Resolution:A few days later, they boys are back at the lake on a hot day drinking lemonade having a meaningful talk about their futures. They talk about starting a company that designs and builds ponds for people. They have learned over the past few months so much about fish and their environment and behavior that they want nothing else but to make a carrier from it. The boys start "big un" pond builders and drop out of high school.
Denounement: The boys business grows and grows because of the quality work that they do. They continue to fish with one another but to this day have not caught a fish as meaningful as the fish that brought them all together.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

James Ren: Short Story Proposal

Exposition: The story takes place in a small town (yet to be named) not unlike Albany. The town surrounds a small park, in the center of which grows a very old orange tree, essentially the center of the park. The main character (male, yet to be named) is walking through the park on a cold March day after having attended his mom's funeral. He sits down under the blooming orange tree and thinks pensively about his life. The main character's life is a mess. He's failing in school, doesn't have many friends, and lives with a emotionally unstable father.

Inciting Incident: As the boy is sitting under the tree pensively considering his life, a girl (to be named) approaches him. They talk for a while and he finds out that she has recently moved to the town (once again, yet to be named) and she too is very fond of the large orange blossom tree.

Rising Action: Essentially, the boy and girl become good friends and she helps him try to repair his life. As they go through the months together, they grow closer. She's lively and jubilant around people she's comfortable with, yet slightly shy around people she doesn't know and thus is hesitant to try to reach out to others; he's kind and trusting, yet his classmate's dislike of him for (a reason I'll try to think of later) causes him to be pensive and quiet around others. As her encouragement helps him improve in his troubled life and start to succeed, they form a close bond. They soon realize their feelings for each other.

Climax: Something (to be revealed in the story) happens and the boy finds out around August-ish that the girl is forced to move away in November. He struggles to deal with this realization.

Falling Action: The boy, shocked by the realization that these may be their last short months together, goes through a lot of grief as he tries to make their last months as memorable as possible.

Resolution: The girl gets on an airplane and leaves. The story ends with the boy walking through the park to sit under the orange tree, this time shedding its last leaves, once again. As the boy is sitting under the orange tree, a breeze from an airplane flying low overhead causes the last orange tree leaf to break free from the branches and land in front of him. He begins to cry.

Denounement: None.

Hm... I know it sounds cheesy, but it'll be better once I write it out.
Happy to take any story/name suggestions.

Lizzy's Short Story Proposal

Exposition: Eli, 16, is standing on the old white line that was drawn many years ago to indicate the city limits. Staring off into the distance, he taunts himself as he always does, asking himself what would happen if he only took a tiny step and crossed the line to the other side. He doesn't, though, as all his life, everyone in his city has told him never to cross the city limits. His shadow of 5'8 casts onto the other side, but as he is often reminded of, he can never be his shadow. With his bright blue eyes, he takes one last look into the other side of the city limits where the sun mysteriously never sets. He pushes the dark brown hair out of his eyes, puts up the hood of his brown hoodie, turns and walks back to city in his worn out sneakers.

Inciting Incident: As Eli begins to approach the center of his city, he walks past dark store fronts and houses with only one or two lights on inside. As he gets closer and closer to his home, he feels that he needs to be reasoned with again about why he cannot leave the city limits and why nobody else does. This feeling becomes more and more frantic as he gets closer and closer to his house. By the time he is outside his front door, the information about the city limits is so crucial that he needs to know it or he will mentally break down.

Rising Action: He knocks quickly on the door, trying to calm himself down so as not to worry his mother. Nicole opens the doors and looks at her son with sweet, teal eyes. She pushes the black hair out of her young looking face, but doesn't notice any sense of anticipation within Eli. He looks up at her, wanting so badly to know the information that he knows he can't get an answer to. He has been trying all his life. He walks in the door without a word and sits in his grandfather's old armchair by the crackling fireplace. Nicole, now noticing Eli's agitation, walks over to the adjacent chair. He asks her why no one leaves the city and she answers like she always does: Who would want to leave when everything they need is right here? Eli can feel his emotions starting to boil. Tonight, he needs to know more. He asks her why everyone always told him he couldn't leave. Why none of the other children were ever told that. She answers as she always does: We just want to keep you close to home. Eli begins to have restless legs. He asks who drew the lines of the city limit. She replies that when the city was built the founding fathers drew it. Eli stands up. He asks why no one else stands at the city limit line. Nicole looks at Eli with upset eyes. She makes the confession that Eli was never supposed to know about the city limit line.

Climax: Eli, realizing he can never achieve the answers he wants, sprints out of the house without saying another word to his mother. As he runs through his city, his stream of consciousness brings him back to the line. The achievement he would feel if he finally crossed it. He continues to run and suddenly stops with wide eyes. Looking down, he sees that he has run across the line. Frozen, he turns to look at his city from the other side, the perspective he has never before had. He watches with horror and confusion as each building in his city, each house, each playground and street light and grocery store and tree disappears. As if coming out of a trance, he turns around, closer to the mysterious other side than he has every been before. he freezes again, as he watches each building, house, playground, street lamp, grocery store and tree reappear ont he other side. Watches as the sun disappears, as he is enclosed into darkness, and then as it reappears on the other side of the drawn line.

Falling Action: Eli stands again at the edge of the line. He is trying to figure out what has happened. He crosses the line again, watches as the same events occur and realizes why he was never told to leave. If he goes, the city goes. The line suddenly seems more like a barbed fence than a simple white line. Suddenly tired, Eli turns back and slowly walks past everything that now seems so fragile.

Resolution: As Eli walks home, he thinks about how he could leave. How tempting it is not only to cross the line, but now to take away the life of the city, the lives of everyone he's ever known. He could not only explore the mysterious other side, but anywhere he ever wanted. He looks at his house, a house that doesn't seem able to hold an entire city inside it. He knocks again on his door. Nicole opens the door, pretending nothing out of the ordinary has happened. He looks at her, comprehending how fragile she is, just like everything else. He tells her that he knows he can never leave the city limits. Nicole looks at him with innocent eyes and says again: Who would want to leave when everything they have is right here? Eli, feeling like he is listening to a broken record, goes upstairs to his room.

Dénouement: Eli packs a suitcase. Looking around his room, he looks outside his window. Having not hung the curtains, he stares out at the other side. Feeling as if the world is coming down on him, Eli feels a single tear fall down from his eye, down his face, and land loudly on the hardwood floor.

Kayla Maslonkowski-Short Story

Exposition: Rosie is a 21 year old model, the lights shining, cameras flashing all around. Her dream being fulfilled in New York City. Perfection. Her hair is full of perfect blonde curls and her eyes gray. She grew up in a broken family always trying to get away and protect herself.

Inciting Incident: A gunshot is triggered, Rosie has no clue where it came from but she is told to duck and run to the nearest exit. Always having to follow the rules, she does what she is told. She runs out the front door of the modeling agency and sees her agent. He tells her to get in a car and follow directions. She has no clue where she is going.

Rising Action: The car is driving fast and glass is breaking all around her but Rosie feels disoriented. In a haze. She notices a guy sitting next to her. Curly brown hair and sea-green eyes. She then gets a text from her agent. Six words but all very clear to Rosie. Somebody is trying to kill you. Rosie asks the man next to her who he is and he says that he is her new body guard. Meant to protect her at any costs and that they are going to a private safe house in the remote jungles of the amazon rainforest. Rosie doesn't understand why somebody would be after her. She was nothing in her mind. She had no more family, and modeling was her escape along with drinking her nights away. The only person she could think of that would want her dead would be her cruel uncle, the one who wouldnt take her in for adoption after her father killed her mother 5 years ago. He must want her dead because then he could access the trust fund that had been left for her all these years. Her only way of gaining access to it would be when she turned 25. After-all her uncle is a powerful man, a millionaire so to speak, but always wanting more. Everything is about money anyways, or thats how its been her whole life

Climax: Rosie and her body guard, who she learns is named Emmett catch a jet and are off to the safe house so Rosie can be protected. Along the trip to the Amazon Rosie and Emmett get to know eachother, however Rosie has trust issues and will not look Emmett in the eyes. Those sea-green eyes shining. Rosie is instantly taken with his personality and looks into his eyes once for a sneak peek of what she could be getting herself into. Forbidden love. A body guard and a model needing protection. Emmett feels it too. When they finally land in the amazon it is time to get going. Her uncle is already on her track and he has more men with him.

Falling Action: Running through the forest at full speed with Emmett at her side. Gunshots everywhere men appoaching from all sides. Rosie can't help but look at Emmetts eyes. The eyes in which made her fall in love with a man that she can never be with. Emmett suddently jumps off a cliff and Rosie hears a splash and follows him into the cold water shooting off a waterfall. They take shelter in a cave but suddenly hes there. The man Rosie never wanted to see again. Rosie grabs a handgun and shoots. However at the precise same second she is shot herself.

Resolution: The flourescent lights and pale white walls of a hospital are all around her. Her leg is throbbing and she sees a shadow in the corner. It stands and comes out from the darkness and the first thing that catches her eyes is his eyes. She suddenly knows that they are meant to be and forbidden love is the way to go.

Denoument: Rosies uncle had been killed that day, and Rosie rushed off to a hospital. Rosie and Emmett are inseperable after that and there life continues on with her always having protection at her side.

Madison Miller- Short Story Proposal.

Exposition: Hailey, about 17, wakes up in a barn, with her head so clouded that she can't remember a thing. She doesn't know where she is, what time it is, or how long she has been there. She is about 5'6, jet-black hair with a pale complexion. She is laying in a pile of hay, in jeans and a gray t-shirt. There is blood on her shirt, which she assumes is from the large gash on her arm.

Inciting Incident: She stumbles around, and when she looks up she sees a barn owl staring back at her with huge, glassy eyes. She freezes. The eyes, the eyes remind her, they make her feel, they cause her to remember other eyes. The trusting ones, the scared ones, the eyes of her friend, Rachel's, killer. She remembers those eyes too well. She wants to find them, to ask why, to bring her best friend back.

Rising Action: She walks toward city lights blindly, and into a coffee shop. She sits in a booth, and the waitress comes over to take her order. Hailey looks up, and a warm feeling rushes over her. She sees those trusting eyes, the ones that think she can do no wrong and will protect her no matter what. Her aunt. She sees them, but is scared, tentative. She can't stay with these eyes, the trusting ones. They are not the ones she needs to locate, not the killer's eyes. The memories slowly come back to her, of her aunt hugging her and telling her everything is going to be alright when her parents died, making her brownies when kids were mean to her at school. She sees her house, and is compelled to go there. She sprints out of the booth and toward a now-familiar street. Down two houses, she stops and stares at her childhood home. She does not remember who lives in this house, she cannot remember anything except for her aunt and that Rachel is gone. Hailey walks slowly up the steps and knocks twice. A pair of giant blue, childlike eyes open the door and immediatly harden with fear. She remembers these eyes now. The scared, stone-like ones. The ones who wouldn't talk to her, only stare with concern and fear. She also remembers the memories, playing with their parents and laughing. She also remembers that he is still her brother, and shares the same drive to find Rachel's killer.

Climax: He asks Hailey quietly to come with him for a drive. She agrees. They drive slowly, silently, down to the police station, and pause. Her brother turns to her, searching her eyes for answers as she searches his. His eyes open up for a second, hope pouring out, and she does the same. They are both searching for answers. Finally, he blinks, looking dejected, and asks her to follow him. They walk into the police station, and he nodds to the police officer. He grabs Hailey.

Falling Action: She walks with the officer down a long hallway, still not comprehending. She tries to remember what she had done to deserve this, why they are keeping her from finding the murderer. Why her brother is acting so weird, why he is scared. She keeps walking, until they reach the cell.

Resolution: Hailey sits down on the metal bench and breathes. She closes her eyes, tries to concentrate on memories. Tries to remember what happened, why she was here, why she is acting like a mindless zombie. She looks down at her gray shirt, at the blood stain there, and freezes. It all comes flooding back to her now, like a dam that has broken. Last night, the conversation about her life, the accusations of ignoring the truth. She remembers Rachel, looking pained and her attempts at connecting to Hailey. Hailey also remembers the fight, the satisfaction she got by stabbing Rachel, how she felt she finally avenged her parents.

Denouement: Her brain is now completely wired. She gets up to wash her hands, to come to terms what she had just realized. She looks up, into the mirror. And sees the eyes, the eyes of Rachel's killer. She can't take it anymore, the pain, the suffering. Then she closes those eyes, and faints into oblivion.

Clara Short Story Proposal

Exposition: Larry Pearce, in his 30's, is a retired soldier from World War. After several months back home in Connecticut, war nightmares come back to haunt him. He lives with his wife, Charlotte Pearce. He has three children. One 17 year old, one 13 year old, as well as a 9 year old. He didn't get to see them grow up and teach them what he knows about hunting, fishing, and other similar activities. Thus, he tries to connect with them, but they aren't interested. Larry is mad at himself and doesn't understand why this is happening to him.

Rising action: Larry wants everything to be like it was before he left for war. They were both happily married and the children were set for a bright future. But when he got back, everything was different. He wanted the world to stop, but he was stuck in the past. Consequently, Charlotte would get frustrated with him and ask him to do certain tasks, but he was incapable of doing so because he was so traumatized. The tension level in the household is starting to rise.

Climax: The tension keeps increasing among him and his wife. They no longer are in love they way they were. Mad, frustrated, enraged, Larry decides to runaway from his family for a few days. He goes to a nearby lake to seek some peace and time away from the outside world. He highly considers suicide, but right before he is about to kill himself, he thinks of his family. He then changes his mind and realizes how much his family needs him.

Falling action: After a few days of reflection, he returns home to his family scared to death because of his absence. He apologizes to them and realizes how much he needs them and loves them, even though it didn't seem like it beforehand.

Denouement: Larry promises to change and appreciate his family. Before he was misunderstood, but now he is a new person. He is thankful to still be alive and realizes how precious life is.

Andrea O.- Plot Summary

Exposition: The story starts with the protagonist, Ian, and his 5 closest friends:Seymour, Zane, Kou, and Rasta. They are driving home from a 4-day-long anime convention, and they're still hyped up about it. So excited, in fact, that they're still wearing their costumes from the convention. They are cosplaying playable characters from the video game Super Smash Brothers: Brawl. Ian is dressed as Link, from Legend of Zelda; Seymour is dressed as thePokémon Trainer character; Zane is dressed as Pikachu from Pokémon; Kou is dressed as Prince Marth from Fire Emblem; Rasta is dressed as Samus from Metroid. Overall, everyone is still having a good time.

Inciting Incident: As the friends are driving, one of their tires blows out, sending them spiraling off of the road into a deserted embankment in the middle of nowhere. They went so far off that they can no longer find their way back to the freeway. Everyone is unharmed, except for Ian, whose head slammed against the steering wheel as the car lost control. He is unconscious for a few brief moments before he wakes up speechless. His friends soon realize that there is something wrong. Ian actually believes that he is the real Link fromLegend of Zelda.

Rising Action: Some of Ian's friends panic, while others stay calm. This leads to an emotional conflict between the friends. The only person who seems to be unaffected by all this is Ian, who is more concerned with "finding his way back to Hyrule" and "saving Zelda". They hear a chainsaw in the distance and panic, thinking that they are in some sort of slasher film where they all getbutchered. However, they then find out that it was just Zane and Rasta playing a trick on them using Zane's phone. They realize they can use the phone to call for help, but their hopes are crushed when they find out that there is no signal in the area where they're stranded. Seymour begins to worry that furious wild animals will come from the woods and attack them. The worry spreads throughout the group, not including "Link", and they all scream in horror as a creature comes out from the shadows of the woods. Even though they realize that it was just a small cute bunny, they are still frightened of what else could be in the woods...

Climax: Soon it is dark, and all the friends begin getting scared. Seymour begins crying while Zane paces back and fourth nervously; Kou seems unfazed, her arms crossed, glaring off somewhere else; Rasta is sitting with his face in his palms, really just wanting to go home; while Ian, or "Link", is attempting to guard the friends, wielding a "menacing" plastic sword. The sounds of wolves gets closer, and Ian runs off somewhere. The friends are afraid they've lost him, but follow his footprints.

Falling Action: The friends follow his footprints all the way out of the forest and to what seems to be a truck stop. They see him running towards the In-N-Out, but he trips. The friends scurry over to see if he's okay.

Resolution: When Ian falls, he hits his head again and is knocked back to his senses. Everyone is relieved and they use the nearest pay phone to call for someone to come pick them up.

Dénouement: The friends spend the rest of the night in the In-N-Out, waiting for their ride home and telling Ian all about what had happened.

Terence Sun: Short Story Proposal

Exposition: The story takes place in a summer, far into the future, where intergalactic travel is possible, plausible and life on other planets is possible--much like traveling to other countries. The main character, yet to be named (open for suggestions), decides to take a break from life and visit a renowned planet in a different galaxy, both yet to be named (suggestions?).

Inciting Incident: After the intergalactic shuttle
touches down and the main character exits, he is immediately met by a squadron of officials who tell him to leave his bags and go with them. He is taken into a dark, double-paned glass room and sat in a chair. The main character is left with the seemingly "head guy" who, with a loud voice, questions the main character about a name that he knows nothing about; the main character thinks that they have the wrong guy, the officers do not believe his "bullshit". The main character is jailed for future use.

Rising Action: The main character, as he is being transported to another place, escapes and goes into hiding. He goes around the town to see if anyone recognizes the name of a breakfast diner that he found on a business card from his wallet with his hand writing on it "Ask for Jim". Over the years, he has kept the card in his wallet because it was mysterious to him that the place did not exist on the face of Earth. Some one leads him to the diner where he is greeted by Jim, as if an old friend then immediately runs into the back room to retrieve something. Jim hands him a box: "So you're finally back, here it is, I've kept it for years."

Climax: After finding several boxes of items and short riddles that seem to have been left intentionally for him, the main character's thoughts seem to fit into place and he finds out that he has been to this planet before--maybe even born there. Yet, the main character feels that there must be a missing piece to the puzzle and the last riddle does not make any sense at all. All the work he has done to try to figure out the reason he is there seems wasted.

Falling Action: The main character sees newspapers that spark him to remember the dreams he has had and suddenly, the random letters on the back of each riddle in each box spell something out and he finds the remaining piece of the puzzle and unveils the truth (not going to spoil... maybe you have a guess? go ahead).

Resolution: (Cliff hanger) Leaves the reader with a feeling of the action being only partially resolved: the truth has been unveiled but it is questionable as to what the main character is going to do. "and he walked out, a different person, on a mission."

Dénouement: None. It would ruin the cliff hanger effect if I were to tell the reader what ended up happening. The mood of the ending will, hopefully, spark imagination in the reader to think of the possibilities.

Any ideas to help shape the story or suggestions would be awesome :)
Comment at will, it can only help.

-Terence Sun

Monday, April 18, 2011

short story proposal

last one was bs. :)

theme is imperfections and overlooking them.

introduction: a guy is "strolling" along a harbor and he is also the narrator. he introduces himself, and introduces his condition: he has no legs and is confined to a wheelchair. his life has been one huge internal battle, in which he brings himself down and sees less of himself because of his imperfection.
rising action: he then ventures into a nearby bakery with a view of the setting sun, and sits himself in a corner. next to him sits an old couple. in walks a gorgeous girl, like nothing he's ever seen, flawless, but he pretends not to notice and knows that he has no chance, no matter what he says or does, once she realizes his glaring imperfection she wouldn't want him for sure. however, she sits down, and after a while, introduces her self. she can't, at this time, see his disabled legs, and assumes he is a normal guy.

climax: the old couple gets up to leave, the lady moving quicker as the man takes his time cleaning up his area. the girl calls out, thinking that the wheelchair belongs to the couple.

falling action: guy all of a sudden becomes very hostile and hoists himself on to the wheelchair and leaves....and that's as far as i have, i don't know the ending yet.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Plot summary by Hannah Long

In the beginning of the story the main character, 16 year old Maya, is chatting with her one of her really close friends on facebook. They are chatting and they're saying their most embarrassing moments. Maya gets up to get a glass of water, and soon gets sidetracked. While she's doing all that, her sister pastes the chat onto her status. When she gets back a bunch of people have already commented on the post. She is totally freaking out ,but it's just the morning and tells herself how bad can my day get. Yesterday she had planned to go to the pool with her friends and keeps with that plan. She just keeps having really bad things happen to her and embarrasses herself in front of her crush. As she and her friend are talking by the pool she notices a little girl drowning, and but no one tries to help the girl. Maya saves the girl, and the parents thank her by giving her a rose. They tell her that it is for times in her past that she wants to change. They also mention that she is able to undo all the wish and it's consequences, but she has to pluck off the other half of petals. She doesn't know what to think, but pulls off the petals, and wishes that she could redo today. She keeps her sister from doing anything to her facebook but instead of then just going to the pool her parents ask her to drop her sister off at her friends house and then mail letters. Nothing bad happens but when she arrives at the pool the paramedics are already removing her dead body from the pool. She realizes the consequences of her wish. She plucks off the remaining petals undoing her wish, but things don't turn out bad, the bad things that had happened that day are resolved. She has just wasted her wish but realizes that things happen for a reason and it's better not to change the past.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Update to Spring Break Homework and Short Story Proposals

Post plot summary to this blog: Recommended by 4/17; mandatory by 4/20
Comment on at least two posts: Mandatory by 4/20
Full proposals turned in to me in hard copy form: mandatory by 4/20

For complete instructions, click on the "Short Story Proposals" page on the side bar.

--Ms. Mason

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Welcome to Ms. Mason's 6th Period Blog!

Welcome all!

We will be using this blog to share our writing and our thoughts on the texts we read in class. Over spring break, you will write a detailed proposal for your short story. In the coming days, I'll give you instructions as to how to write that proposal and how to share it here. More to come!

Ms. Mason